AOTT has commenced due to the demand in the online environment of therapists and other professionals needing to be digitally ready for their clients.
With the Millennial and Gen Y generations being technically savvy, and on a variety of apps – all the time, AOTT can train professionals whichever level they may be at in their digital preparedness for clients.

AOTT also provides consultancy for the following services:

-Coaching and consulting for organisations

-Consultancy services for building your online courses

-Executive support to directors of SMEs, companies and larger organisations

-Instructive support for human-centred & human-behaviour-centred technology projects

-Supporting private practitioners to build their practices

-Joint partnerships, or cooperatives for training projects

-Innovative coaching, consultancy and branding support for people skills and service-based organisations – psychology, counselling, psychotherapy, medicine, allied health, complimentary therapists, coaches, consultants, lawyers and financial companies.  




Importantly, AOTT is not a technological company.

Instead, AOTT is a training service and offering to be an ‘intermediary’ service in order for people to be able to speak the same ‘jargon’, be able to converse with our clients, be able to ‘better service’ their client groups and feel ‘more present’ in the digital environment.

The different levels of AOTT online therapy training and Telehealth professional development are offered as a result of demand from Renee’s training – to learn more basic and more advanced training skills of digitally connecting to your clients, patients or customers in the online space.

The Levels of training that are on offer through AOTT are:


This is a digital preparedness course, that allows you to ‘do it yourself’, with the kinds of apps and services required in order to run an online business in a streamlined manner.
The course is open to any person wishing to make themselves digitally ready to run an online business.

Please note that some amount of technical abilities are required for this course. This is not a basic computing course.


This course is specific to psychology, counselling and psychotherapy online private practices and larger businesses.
Level 1 covers the foundational, fundamental and technological requirements to run a professional, yet personal, online therapeutic practice.

We will touch on the requirements specific to therapists to run an online therapy business or Telehealth practice, as well as some of the technical requirements and will look at presence, working with cultural and geographical difference.


This course covers the kind of information you will need to run an online course in any platform. This course is open to the general public.

We will look at the essentials for learning outcomes – what a learning outcome is, the kinds of applications (apps) that can assist in the online learning environment, how to structure your course to your learners – be they students, clients, customers, staff or colleague.


This is the advanced online therapy course.

It is a requirement for participants in this course to have either completed Level 1, RPL (recognition of your prior learning, and/or work experience), or completed enough industry experience in an online environment to be accepted into this particular course.

This course moves beyond the basic requirements in order to connect – to the next level of connection and looks deeper at space, the ether, the space between, using ‘your gut’, ‘intuition’ and your creativity in order to connect with your client in the online space – whether they be in the next room, or over the other side of the world.


This is an advanced online Supervision course. This course MUST be attended live.

Online Supervision is a very different environment to face-to-face. Learn how to ‘read’ your supervisees in the online space, learn more about how countertransference applies to supervision in the online space and how to be digitally and professionally prepared for online supervision. Take your online supervision to the next level.

To be accepted into this course a participant must have at least a Bachelor in Counselling, Psychotherapy or Psychology, along with at least 5 years of experience in the field in counselling. Participants also must have a sufficient knowledge of the online environment before joining as well.

Level 3 Online Group Work

Do you want to provide online group work services? Well, look no further.

From McDonald’s research and practical experience, this course covers all manner of requirements when working online.

With this highly practical, ethical, useful and helpful online group work course, you will learn what is required of you to run online groups.

A thorough assessment process is undertaken within this training. This training is 20 hours of professional development, including information about group psychology, how groups can be formed and assists you to find new ways of working online.


This course is for already practising relationship therapists that need information and a framework to work online with relationship therapy and/or relationship coaching online. This course MUST be attended live.

Online relationship therapy support is a vastly different in the online space and especially related to the nature of how couples and families may access online support. Learn how to work with integrative relationship therapy theories, using technology to enhance practice outcomes, and support relationship therapy practice to develop a new framework in order to work more professionally in the online environment.

Participants also must have a sufficient knowledge of the online environment and to have completed Level 1 AOTT studies as a minimum to take this course.

Level 4 Online process groups

Level 4 helps to deeply embed all previous learning from the other AOTT courses. Level 4 is required for ACTO accreditation and supports learners to work with the four mediums of online work. Learners deeply learn about how to practice as an email counsellor, a text-based counsellor, a online video conferencing counsellor, or audio only online counsellor.


Level 4 Online Process Groups are professional development training groups that focus on deeply working through knowledge, unconscious processing, countertransference, transference and the online disinhibition effects, so that professional learners can feel really ready to work with all online mediums for online therapy.

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