Australian Online Therapy Training (AOTT) provides counselling and psychotherapy training to qualified professionals to extend their training beyond standard face-to-face and telephone counselling work with clients around Australia, especially, and beyond to the broader world.
AOTT therapists are a cut above – as they care about clients and the broader community as a whole.
AOTT as an organisation has been in touch with many of our trained online therapists and they have agreed to provide pro-bono disaster relief counselling if you are struggling with the effects of the fire or drought.
Find a Therapist Online. Please see the list of accredited therapists to find someone who definitely could help you today if you are distressed as a result of the latest weather or crisis conditions:
Please email practitioners first, as we are not a standard crisis service.
Please note the crisis helplines for 24/7 support are:
Lifeline 13 1114
Beyond Blue 1300 224 636
Salvo Care Line 1300 363 622
1800 RESPECT (Family and domestic violence) 1800 737 732
Men’s Line 1300 789 978